Every day of my life seems to be like this. I anticipate a full day of activities and cranky kids, not to mention myself cranky after a long day, and an extremely well intentioned husband, who gets home from work and is ready to "interact" with the kids. He wants to take them outside after they've been bathed, and walk the dog, or visit with the neighbors. This used to be extremely annoying to me, and I would pray that I could get the kids to bed by 7:30 before he could get home. Now, we try to relish in the moments, and remember that when they're 16, they won't want to have anything to do with us. Finding time is so hard when your kids are young, (2 and 4) but these are the best times!!! We have made an effort to try to make everything turn out better than expected, which I feel is all about perspective......I assume the worst at the beginning of each day, and while life here is SUPER hectic, at the end of the day, it's always better than it could have been...