Just for Fun... - Richmond,VA

Updated on February 04, 2011
R.D. asks from Richmond, VA
7 answers

What is the all time BEST date you've ever been on? Details please!

Because it's far and few between that my fiance and I get out of the house with no kids, I'm trying to think of something really special we can do sometime soon... I'm thinking river rafting trip, just us, no kids... when it warms up.

Aside from that, our most recent 'date' involved going to the gun range... I've never shot before, and I think it really made him feel like a man showing me how to load, point shoot... didn't hurt that I'm apparently a natural... then we went and ate super junk bar food (steak and cheeses!) at some neat little hole in the wall bar. It was nice, and definately changed our attitudes for a while!!

So what was YOUR best, most memorable date with your honey??

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answers from Norfolk on

We had so much fun when we went to an indoor rock climbing gym!! It's fun to do our usuals--dinners and such--but that was different and really cool.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

we dont often do "dates" we do alot of things just us, but the last really great time we had he and his buisness partner had stopped off at one of our favorite little dive bars at the mouth of the canyon, my husband called and asked me to meet him there. We hung out had greasy dive bar food a few drinks and listened to the band on the patio just casual but it was what we used to do before we had kids and had to worry about getting home, who was beating up who while we were gone. strange but nice

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answers from Spokane on

One of the best dates I've had with my husband was the first time we left our oldest son over night (with my Mother). He was 9 months old.
We went to a fabulous dinner at a restaurant (we very rarely eat out) within walking distance to where we had tickets to go see our favorite comedian. After dinner we went to a club and actually went dancing!! Something we hadn't done in years. We had a few drinks and headed back to our hotel which had a big jacuzzi tub in the room. We felt like we were on our honeymoon again :) I was ready to go pick up our son at 8 am when I woke up but hubby wouldn't let me. He insisted we stay until the very last minute for check-out time. I will forever remember that night!!!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi R.
One of our first dates ,in the early weeks we went for a walk to the beach. It was quite a stormy day. We held hands and faced the sea and said we would let anything negative from our past out into the sea and start fresh our new life together. It felt very profound, a beautiful moment.
We don't go out much since we had our son. Last year my Mum and sister came to stay with our son for the weekend.
We booked ourselves into a hotel for two nights.
First day we spent the whole day in the hotel spa,fantastic.
Second day we got dressed up,went out for a meal,drank LOTS of whiskey (both of us drink very little now) and went dancing. It was so much fun as we love to dance.
We were just saying lately we must get away for a weekend again soon.

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answers from New York on

Most memorable date with my husband...

He had never been to Disney world and I took him (surprise) when we were home visiting my parents. I told him the night before about "the plan" and he was literally a little kid- couldn't sleep he was so excited!

We spent the day in the Magic Kingdom and stayed overnight at one of the hotels and just enjoyed eachother. Next time we go it will be totally different b/c we'll be with the kiddos. That is still one of his "top 5" days ever!

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answers from San Francisco on

so responding to yours...well we went to a nice upscale restaurant for dinner then went to a higher elevation to park & looked out on the city lights (one of my favorite things to see) then chatted. Of course, this is before we got engaged.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

On O. of our first dates, we went to the driving range to hit balls. (Hubby is an avid golfer.) He had a brand new and very $$$$ driver and from the tee behind me, I saw the head of the club go flying about 100 yards. It totally broke on about the fifth hit. You can't go running out there to retrieve (you'd get pelted by balls). WE went back after closing with flashlights but no luck. Then we went to dinner and he had forgotten his wallet int he car so I had to pay. He was very embarrassed. Then I had to go back to the driving range each day for 2 or 3 days until they "collected" the balls (and the club head) from the range....what a disaster--and then I married him!

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