Listen to some of the old Go Gos. music
Belinda Carlisle
I am looking for music for my 6 year old to ice skate to, she chose Coming Home, but we can't have the rap. I am going nuts listening to Camp Rock, Fresh Beat Band, iCarly, and Disney music and have only 2 possibilities that I really don't care for. She is so bummed she can't skate to Coming Home. She had her performance planned in her head and had thoughts on where she would lunge. Any thoughts on music that may have a little meaning to it. If it doesn't have meaning then at least enough beat for her to skate to it. Her performance is only one minute.
I had to make a choice so we could get the music cut, the costume started, and start a routine. My daughter is part Native American with a strong Native American appearance (some kids ask her if she is Chinese :)) I picked Pocahontas' Colors of the Wind. I am so bummed it was not the song she chose and I actually chose the song for her, but we were out of time. She is happy, her coach is happy, and hopefully our seamstress is happy. The costume will double as a Halloween costume!
Listen to some of the old Go Gos. music
Belinda Carlisle
My dd skated to the Snoopy theme, it was really cute. Another one was the the Disney Mermaid Theme.
How about those kid bop cd's? Popular songs sung by kids.
the song "Fireflies?"
Can you have some one edit the rap out? I am not familiar with the song. But, One Rebublic or John Mayer is popular with contemporary dance peices - could it work for ice skating too? I would also go to a local dance studio and find out where they get their music from it tends to be decent music that I have never heard before.