what im wondering is why is the 2 year mark so important for getting rid of the nuk? i mean, who makes that rule, you in infinite knowledge of your daughter, or some doctor or someone who doesnt know you or your daughter?
i would have liked that my son was rid of the nuk by now too, hes almost 29 months. at this point we have watched him and he will sometimes fall asleep without it. however, the times he doesnt, he tries to suck his thumb.
so i guess its up to you. you can try to make her get rid of it. she could start sucking her thumb, something that you CANT get rid of later.
i would relax. after all, shes only using it to get to sleep. is that really so bad? i dont think that it is. its unfair to put unnecessary pressure on yourself for something you are doing with your daughter based on some "expert's" advice. YOU and dad are the only 2 people who know your child the way you do. NO ONE has the right to make you feel that you are doing something wrong because you arent doing it their way. the more relaxed you are about it, the better. perhaps she will surprise you and not ask for it some night soon. maybe not. either way, its NOT going to hurt her, its not going to ruin her teeth, she will be fine. in the meantime, you can use the 'dont ask dont refuse' techniques - never withhold it from her, but dont feel like you have to give it to her without her asking for it either.
good luck. sometimes it seems like we are screwing up our kids because the "experts" know so much. for the most part, so called experts dont even have kids and if they did, you would see a drastic change of tune..... our preconceived notions of how we would raise kids changes after we have them. just trust your gut. you know what your girl needs, no one else knows her that way! :D stick with it! :D good luck!