Looking for a Lawnmower

Updated on April 06, 2006
T. asks from Little Elm, TX
6 answers

I have searched the classifieds and not much help. Does anyone know where to find new or used lawnmowers other than Lowes etc..?

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answers from Dallas on

Have you tried Craig's List? The website it www.dallas.craigslist.com It's kind of like the classifieds online.



answers from Dallas on

Home Depot and Sears are good options. Also, some cities have a lawn and garden "library" of sorts. I know that the City of Denton lets residents check out lawn equipment for free.



answers from Dallas on

Check the website Craigslist.com for the Dallas area. You can look up if anyone has a used mower for sale or post on the site.



answers from Dallas on

go to craigslist.org
you can pick the area that you want to look in.
we get lots of stuff off the website.



answers from Dallas on

Good Day T.! A co-worker of mine just told us yesterday that she and her husband are looking to sell their riding lawnmower. It is used but in great condition (I think she said a couple of years old they bought it for $800 but want to sell it for $500. If you have had no luck just yet and would like to talk to her more about it, give me a call ###-###-#### or email me and I will ask if it is still available. K.



answers from Dallas on

Hey T.! I would check on CraigsList www.craigslist.org Be sure to look at Dallas.

If you are not already familiar with Craigslist, it is a cross between the GreenSheet and Ebay.

Good Luck,


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