i started my daughter (now 5) on a 7:30PM sleep schedule from the time she was 6 weeks old and i had to go back to work; i found that constant routine was key in teaching her to fall asleep on her own, and stay asleep for longer stretches, i didn't rock or feed her or do anything else to get my daughter to fall asleep and then place her in bed... i put her to bed 7:30 every night after she was fed, changed, and put into pj's, and i did it the same exact way every night and she fought me tooth and nail the first week; she would cry herself to sleep sometimes taking up to a good 45 minutes to drift off, but i kept at it; going into her room and not picking her up, and just kinda stroking her tummy to let her know that yes i am there, but that this was something that she was going to need to learn. and it's worked wonders for us. consistancy and my stubborn constitution have really paid off for the both of us. i was able to get more rest after she was asleep and the sleep from 8pm to midnight i noticed is more quality sleep for me; also to help i set up daytime nap routines as well; she woke every morning with me at 6 am, ate, was changed, and i had her stay awake until 8am; then fed and put down for a nap from 8-10; 10 am fed, changed and up until 1pm and down for a nap until 330 pm and then woke up again, and fed changed and up until 730..... it takes a good week for a baby to get into a good routine, but i am a firm believer of scheduled naps, feedings, bedtimes, and i've read and noticed that my daughter and a lot of my friends children have thrived wonderfully on a system like that. (babies don't like not knowing whats going to happen and they just generally appear more secure and happy when there is a schedule in place.) and the few of my friends that didn't develop the routines had the same problems as you do with fatigue and tiredness, and then came the issues after about a year old of discipline problems and resentment and just generally unhappiness for the whole family. not only that scheduling blocks of naps and such are an awesome way for you to get some alone time and a good nap in as well. good luck and my schedule was my schedule.. developing one that will meet your families needs may be completely different. just don't give up and things do tend to get easier. good luck!!