First, I want to encourage you. in your marriage. Yes, it does sound like your husband is very unhappy but do whatever you can to save your marriage. Seek counseling, use the resources offered here, etc...
It can be very frightening for husbands (who often see themselves as the 'protector' and 'provider' for their families) to see what is happening around us. Another thing you may consider is not bringing up things like redoing the bathrooms until you 1) have 3-6 months of emergency fund PLUS 2) the money needed for the remodel. Remodeling can be costly and sure, you may not be living paycheck to paycheck...but it's still a big expense and that could be a little scarry for your husband.
Second, as far as the job thing. First, I disagree with another commenter that it is impossible to find a job once the kids are grown. I have many Mom friends who have older kids, stayed home when they were young and then went back to work after. Will you get the exact same job you had before? Probably not. However, at the same time you won't be the same person as you were before so that job probably wouldn't fit who you have become.
It is not unusual for moms to go back to school, learn new skills, etc... once their kids are older to prepare them for the workforce. Will you land a CEO job right away? Of course not. But who cares. The important thing is that you are doing something you enjoy and contributing in the manner you and your partner have determined is appropriate.
Second, you and your husband need to sit down and have a calm discussion (possibly with a neutral third party like a counselor to help guide the discussion) and determine what is really important: You going back to work now, or caring for your children.
My husband and I decided that what was most important to us was that I stay home with our kids and be the primary caregiver. We determined that, for us, we did not want our children in day care to be raised by someone else and have them only see their parents basically on the weekends. Even when my husband was out of work for 9 months (yes, 9 months) we STILL decided it was best for me to not get a job. If I got a job, then he would be home taking care of our daughter and not be able to spend the time needed looking for a job and working on the start up company he created, which was generating income for us.
If you making money is the most important thing then you both have to decide that, make the choice and stick with it until circumstances change that would change the decision. And yes, unless you make a very good salary your paycheck will go towards daycare and gas money. There won't be much left over to give back to the household fund. But the real question is, long term, what do you both see as the best decision. You be home with your children, or you position yourself to have a high paying job in 5 years. Children, or career...that is the choice you and your husband have in front of you.
It seems like there is a fair amount of work that needs to be done in this marriage. If in fact he does want out, then you DO need to improve yourself and be ready to be a single parent. If he is willing to work on the marriage and move forward together...then you need to seek some counseling and work it out.
Be partners. Work together. Stop fighting against one another.
Good luck honey. I know, marriage is not easy. My husband and I have been through some very difficult times. We have fought tooth and nail to keep our family unit together.... and we are grateful we did.