I have an amazing support structure to start off.
My son is 4. He was first diagnosed with a Sensory Processing Disorder by the age of two. Three brought us, ADHD, Opposition Defiance Disorder as well as Pervasive Develop mental Disorder(which is the highest level for high functioning Autism).
To make all this so much harder, I have also been dealing with some pretty heavy health issues myself. His diagnosis's has been a painful fight.
He is in school half day for now. Which is making me a little nuts at the moment.
I have to keep him 100% on his daily routine. If I know that I will be veering off the daily routine, I have to prepare him DAYS in advance. Or his whole world will be shifted and we end up with just one big melted down child.
Every morning he asks if he has school that day. If I say yes, he will throw a fit not wanting to go(no worries he always gets on the bus when it comes).
I always feel like I am fallen just a little short of being a good mom.
I find myself going into time out when we are having a bad day.
This past Saturday we were at Grandmas house. Zephyr was not pleased with having to pick up his legos, that he lost it. My husband and MIL are not normally around when the BIG BIG blow up happens. So she stood in disbelief while I struggled to bear hug him on my lap to get him to settle down.
I am constantly reminding myself, I did not to bring this on. I sometimes take his rages personal.
He is so poorly behaved in public, I have thought about making him an awesome necklace that states something along these lines: ''Dont mind me, I am just a curious and lovable kid that has trouble controlling my excitement''.
I have found that it is stranger's that are the most poorly behaved though. I have had more then one older adult yell different insults at my ability to ''control'' my son. Making statements like, ''you better get control of that one, or we are all in trouble'' too the older lady at the grocery store yelling ''Discipline your son needs discipline''. I understand ALL of these things. I discipline him to the best of my ability.
The thing is, people who dont have special needs kids, have no clue what a day in the life for you looks like.
I hate the fact I dread my son getting up in the morning. I just know for the moment he wakes up until he has fallen to sleep, my time is his. And I may not be receiving the positive aspects of being his mom.
I have a few friends that have totally stepped up to the plate to help with him, and the other two. That is the only way I have some sanity.
I find that strangers and extended family not close with him, have the most negative effect on how he behaves.
I was in a very bad auto accident while I was pregnant with him. My knee went through the dash board and was pretty badly hurt. From this I was on pain medication from 5 months on.
I had that sick sense right shortly after I started taking it, that something with my baby was going to be a bit ''off''. I did not know what it would be or if I was even right. Turns out I am right. I have asked his Ped. if he thinks they could have been related and he was pretty confident that there was no connection between the two.
The thing that is tough with special needs children, especially those on the Autism spectrum, they have no emotion that is moderate. They dont understand or process the social aspects of relationships. This in and of itself can be tough. You can not expect anything out of them really. And what is given is touch and go.
Rough days suck. There are evening I can not even bring myself to rocking with him. I look at him and get mad at myself for ever yelling(happens now and then when he is pushing those buttons).
I think about the black eyes, blood drawn from bites and the many other things he has done in a fit of rage, and wonder if this is punishment for my late teenage years.
The other thing I struggle with is the older two boys. They dont know how to fully grasp why brother is the way he is. I have to constantly tell them no firmly to something(like candy before dinner)...just to turn around and explain why Zephyr get whatever it was they wanted(this goes down like this, he asks me for whatever it is....I say no. He then sneaks in to the kitchen and get whatever it was to eat it. He shows no shame in it either. They will then pin me with the ''but Zephyr got one'', I return that with, ''your brother did not ask and I am not risking getting hurt by him to take it away''.
Honestly, I dont know how we moms of special needs kids keep it all together. I feel more often then not, that I am sinking. That too much is going on.
Right now we are currently waiting to have an evaluation done by a new Clinic that offer's in home Occupational Therapies.
We are also in the process of finding him a Child Psych. We are finding that our State ins does not recognize the need for a 4 year old to go see a Child Psych, most places do not take state insurance OR they dont see patients as young as he is. This portion of things for us right now is just the pits.
We trug on doing the day to day.
I fight my brain constantly on the fact that I feel like I have just fallen an inch or so too short.
It can get really lonely, even sitting in a waiting room with a group of parents with kids(at his Speech and OT location). We are all so busy in our lives and with the day to day with the kids. I hate the lonely.
I take life with Zephyr a day at a time. I gauge how he is doing each day with how easy I am allowed to offer him breakfast, get a new diaper and or Netflix movie going for him. It is an exact science that only he can change up.
All you can do is give it your best. That sounds so cliche. Forgive yourself for the bad days. Praise god for the great ones. Dont get too upset if things dont always go as planned. Remember he is probably just as frustrated with life as you are. Just think you can get all those emotions out and translated. He is trapped inside his head. You need to cut yourself some slack with all this in mind.
Give yourself the credit, YOU ARE A GOOD MOM. You have gotten him this for through life. t should be smooth sailing from here on out(ALWAYS KEEP YOUR CUP HALF FULL).
You can not do anything to change the outcome of today. You can however, do much much much more to pave the path for tomorrow.
If you need someone to vent to, share horror stories with or just need a break to get away from life....I am pretty much always here.
You are doing great! Believe this!!!