Why you feel like you are not doing it right? What is the "right" way?
Some days I think the "right" way is having my 2 girls feed and healthy, and still married to my husband, and that is "right enough" for that day.
I went back and read your other post.
Yeah, I can see why you post this today, you have a lot in your plate lately.
*Side note: what happened with the car accident? Hope that end up well.
I found that the age of 8 is a difficult age, I have seen many moms ask about it and I do remember being a hard stage.
11 months is so cute but also difficult, they are explores with not fear on them!
Then you're also a PTA, have a job (SAHM is a job if you ask me) you have another kid, and a 8 years marriage.
You also married and had kids young, that has its good and so so easy points.
However, I also wonder if you have also good times? Like, can you see back this past month, and find moments of laugh, can you find times where you can sit and say: today was a good (or almost good) day?
"If you can't see good days, or if you find yourself all the time stress or mad, I would recommend and advice to talk to your doctor."
My advice is to take turns with your husband, even if it is just on weekends and for an hour, remember that this is not a 'never end" situation, your little girl would grow and will be going to school, leaving you time for whatever you need done.
Can you find the source of the fight between your kids? Or at least find the most far away room of the house and make it a fight room for them (with rules) as in: Go fight there and leave the rest of the house drama free?
Take your baby naps for your self, it is good and sometimes necessary.
Keep an eye on how you feel, and don't hesitate on contacting your doctor if you feel like things just don't get better.