Hi J.
Having children is a big change especially for men, they're so use to our undivided attention. This sounds like a convenient time to be intimate but I understand the urgency and how you'd feel wanting to get to your children asap. Can you be creative in the home while the children are still sleeping? or entertained. Showers are a great way to be intimate. Sometimes I just have to satisfy my husband until we have more time for me. You might have to literally set a date and time for this. A "quickie" only takes a few minutes as well. My husband is so much easier to live with when he's had his fix. Sometimes I do it when I don't feel like it but most of the time I don't mind at all, I love him and I know that he needs this. We've been married 23 years now and have sex probably 2-3x week. Sometimes we're both satisfied and sometimes it's just for him, alot of the times I don't have the desire either. I'd rather snuggle or just talk. I remember having little ones though and my husband feeling "abandoned" and acting desperate. Just reassure him of your love and take care of him when he needs it. I wish I would have figured this out alot sooner. H. G