Hello G.,
I can definatley understand that boys will be boys and get outta hand. In any case depending on how old the boys are really depends on what to do. My brother is 15 and I have sole custody of him. When he first moved in with me he was outta control as well. I cant say that he drank or partyed alot bc of his age but he was headed in that direction. He is also ADD to the extreme. What I did that helped him improve was put him in summer school, made him go to church service more often and enrolled him in activites at church that he enjoyed that way he wasnt obligated to go and he actually wanted to go and the last thing was SUPERVISION. You cant express that last word enough bc it is the most important thing. It is very hard to be a single parent but try being a single sister( I take care of my brother 15, sister 18). It is a strech and a really hard sacrifice to be with them 24/7 but u almost have to. It helped me when I scheduled all my free time to take my siblings out. We would play pool, watch games, play soccer together, go to church, go swimming, do the yard together etc. In any case alot of parent invovled activities are the key for any age as well as setting a good role model and becoming the cool dad or friend in their life that they can go hang out with instead of those bad influencial friends. I hope that helps. We play soccer during the week together at an inddor field so maybe you can enroll the boys with us. It is only like 20 bucks a month and u can play anytime, anyday and be any age. We play as a group and are always looking for ppl to play with us.