We night-weaned around 9 months too. While I am not opposed to some CIO in principle, if my son gets too worked up he will throw up, so we were hesitant to just not go in at all during the sleep training.
Instead, we picked a few days when my husband was sure to be home, and over a weekend so he wasn't working, and then he was the one who got up and went through. First night he gave a bottle with just a couple of ounces of expressed milk. Our son was confused that it wasn't me, and cried a bit, but after drinking a bit, he just dropped off. (Should say that at this point, my son was only waking up once per night to feed, max twice.) So then he'd sleep through till morning.
Second night, we halved the amount of expressed milk. Third night we were going to just give water - but then he slept through totally and DH didn't even have to go in!!
It was great - now he was sleeping 11 hour stretches, no problem.
Having said that, we've had hiccups (travel, baby's had a cold/congestion, etc) and sometimes had to go through the weaning process again because his routine has been disrupted. But then it takes one or two nights, and now we don't even bother with expressed milk, my husband will just take some water in a bottle, just in case.
So, all in all, we've had pretty good success, but don't be surprised if there are bumps in the road, and it can be done without HUGE crying.