HI, I had a 3 yrs old and he was the worst he DID not want to give up his binki, no way, no how. We talked about it and how big he was getting, and at the time he he was going to a daycare, and they had a baby room, and I took him in the baby room everyday for one week, we talked to the babies, and talked about the babies not having binkis and that they might need one, then we marked on our calendar the day we were going to have a BINKI PARTY,(a big day where he would give all his binkis to the other babies) the night before the "Party" we gathered up all the binkis and he put them in a special box, we then took that box up to the baby room at the daycare and I told him he was so big giving all his binkis to the new babies that needed them, then we went home and had cupcakes and celebrated him being a BIG BOY. He did ask about them once, but I reminded how big he was and that he gave the binkis to the babies. Good Luck, I know how tough it is!!