Hi S.,
My son is going to be 3 in June and we just gave up the binky 2 weeks ago. I had a very hard time getting him to let go but we kept losing them and we were down to the last one and it broke. Everytime he would put it in his mouth he would get upset so I said okay...we need to throw it away. I told him to put it in the garbge and he did it on his own. We said bye-bye bink. He has asked for it a few times since and I say "remember, you threw it away cause it was broke" I tell him he is a big boy now and he does not need a bink and then I distract him with a special treat. My 11 year old took his bink until he was 3 and I was very concerned about his teeth but he has perfect teeth now so I didnt worry this time. I think you have plenty of time, with him only being 1 and using it only for naps is great. If you can get him to throw it away on his own....he will remember! I hope my story helps. Good Luck!