Garretford has a great playground after scool. Sorry for thh late responns.
Can anyone tell me where there are some good parks or playgrounds for small children in or near Drexel HIll?
Garretford has a great playground after scool. Sorry for thh late responns.
We used to live in Drexel Hill and would sometimes go to the playground next to the Sellers Library after a visit to the library. We also love the Tot Lot in Media, not a bad drive from Drexel Hill. The Tot Lot is nice because it has a rubberized ground and is designed for children under 5 so you don't have to worry about big kids getting too rambunctious and it's fenced in.
hi, i love the arominik elementaryschool playground as it has a junior playground that is all fenced in and has tables and benches so you can just wheel in the strollers etc. there are trees to keep it shady too! i love the fenced in part so you dont have to worry about fast ones trying to run off!
Oh there's a ton of good parks around. If you have toddlers try the toddler park in Swarthmore. There's Smedley Park by the Springfield Mall. There is The Merry Place (I think it is called) of Eagle Rd. There's Veterans Park of Lawrence Rd in Broomall. There are even more you will find just as you're driving around.