Good Morning Sara, If ya wait until you can afford another little one, you'll be waiting a long while.....LOL
Sara, our gr son Corbin did the same thing, holding it in for a long long time, little ole man shuffle told me he was needing to go but knew it would hurt.
Then when he napped he would be relaxed enough to let it pass. He is 4 now, and has been potty trained for a long time. He also said it hurt to poopy, we gave rewards when he would actually do it in the potty. NOW the last two weeks we has reverted back to Poopin in his underwear. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr At least twice a day. His mom gave him half a cup of juice in the evenings before bed time thinking it might help him be more regular and make it softer easier to pass. Well I think it helped alright, he doesn't have diarrhea just lot softer stool. He was used to having enough time to get to the bathroom, now it just seems to take him by surprise and he poops.
He doesn't want to tell me cause he knows Nana will make him change his own under wear and clean them up.
Our other 4 yr old Gr son was here this week playing, and Corbin pooped, they were outside. I didn't know until it was time to take them home. He said he couldn't go home cause he didn't have on underwear!! I said Why do you not have them on? I pooped in them Nana. Where are they? Asher Kyle hid them for me! WHERE? in the sink downstairs. Asher said Yucky!!
Oh really I wonder He knows he is going to get a talking to and or spanking from his dad when he does this. I don't have to tell his parents he tells on himself.
I never made Corbin sit for a long period of time. If in the first 5 minutes with him trying to poop, he couldn't we waited 15-20 minutes then tried again. Usually we would sing silly made up songs, or read books.
I wish you well, It's a hard thing sometimes to figure out.
God Bless you, have a wonderful weekend
K. Nana of 5