The only thing keeping them in your room will do is cause them fear to be without the two of you. As a mom myself I understand all of the fears you face. I still worry what if someone breaks into his window and takes him and I can't hear because I am way across the house, but that is my fear not his. I also worry about fires and tornadoes and every other thing that could go wrong, but as parents we must hide those fears to make our children stronger. Children look to us to lead, and we must lead without fear. One day they will be without us, hopefully that day is when everyone is much much older but we must spend our time preparing our boys to be men. Don't get me wrong, ocassionally my son still feels the need to curl up next to me on some nights, and I allow him to. You just have to find a way to have a healthy balance. You also need that husband wife time that you can't get with kids in your room. Good Luck!!!