I always believed in angels but thought ghosts were a bunch of hooey until the last year when we decided my parents' house has ghosts in it. There are a lot of things that have happened in their house since they moved there twenty years ago, but none of us ever talked about them until the last year. Both my parents, my great-aunt, my sister and I have all had "run-ins" with the ghost/s but we all thought it couldn't be, so we just brushed it off. Until my great-aunt was visiting last year and she got up in the night to use the bathroom, but the light was on and the door was closed, so she thought my dad was in there. So she went back to her room to wait and on her way passed my parents' room and saw my dad sitting on the edge of the bed. They went back to the bathroom and the light was off and the door was open. You might think she just imagined it, but once we all started sharing stories, it was too much to just be coincidence.
The latest thing that happened was last week. In the middle of the night, the picture hanging above the mantel fell and broke. It was hanging on a hook, so it would have had to have been lifted up and off. It couldn't have just fallen. Crazy....