If your son is only not eating at school, have you checked into what is going on in school to make his anxiety so high that he won't eat? Medication is never an easy thing. I hear your worries. But maybe if you gave it to him to initially calm him down, work the therapy, try and minimize the stress at home, then things will kick into place and you will be able to ween him off of it. I feel like it seems as though his life all around him is too stressful, starting at school, to home to the insane schedules, and then off to many activities. I have 3 boys of my own, and I totally understand the insanity of life. But, I have to make sure that things are always calm (I have a 7 year old with sensory integration who can be very anxious as well) - they can have one activity at a time that has to be on the same day and @ the same time so that we are not always rushing. It is important for ALL of us, me included, to be able to relax and actually just sit. When was the last time anyone in your house just sat and listened to themselves breath? Therapy for myself has been a big eye opener into a lot of this stuff :) It seems that we live in a society right now that if we do not go go go all the time and enhance everything in our child's life that we are not doing what we should be or we are failing as parents. When in reality we are producing high stressed, over achievers who have little social skills and turn out to have alot of problems later in life. I am by NO MEANS saying that that is going on here. I just think that it is very hard not to get caught up in what is going on around us with other kids in the neighborhood, our friends kids, our sisters and brothers kids, etc... you jsut have to know your child, and know what he needs to help him. And if you do not, then maybe check out some therapy for you to help you make these huge decsions. I live in the Oak Park area and have the BEST therapist! Respond back to me if you want! Good luck and hang in there!