My son has that issue, he is 4 1/2 and receives Occupational therapy at school and at a place in Hudson NH, they are great so let me know if you are nearby and I'll tell you who they are.
Start by going to your pediatrician, ask for and eval from a Neurologist AND from those who do the OT, the place in Hudson is Southern NH Pediatric Rehab.
But be careful for going to the right neurologist, we went to a place in Manchester and she gave him and incorrect diagnosis, so go to the right place.
My son is very very active, but don't let sensory issues be confused with being hyper, they are not the same thing, I get so annoyed when people try and tag my kid with ADD or ADHD, when he has sensory integration issues and is Autistic (though high functioning) you'd probably not notice unless you knew enough about it.
Definitely get him evaluated by a good OT place, and like I said SNH Ped rehab is GREAT PLACE!
Good luck and email me if you have more questions.
Best of luck