Congratulations on your new baby. Your situation sounds hard but not completely unusual. A difficult hospital experience can make it harder to get off on the right foot. Also, it is definitely more work to have two little ones instead of just one. Glad to hear you are still finding lots of joy though.
A homeopathic remedy that is sometimes helpful for mothers who have had bad hospital experiences, especially if they perceived the experience as a sort of "violence" against them (sometimes that's just how it feels) is Staphysagria.
Staphysagria 30c can be purchased at any good health food store. If it was me, I would take a single dose of 4 pellets dissolved in a glass of water. Then put the bottle away for a month or so. This remedy would continue to work for that long, and so you would not want to take another dose of it during that time.
Best of luck to you on your return to work, and again, Congratulations.