A lot of times when my daughter would wake only to fall asleep in my arms, it was her teeth or ears. For us usually it was at night - naps were fine. But most kids sleep more soundly at night, so maybe that is a reason it would be a problem during the day. Don't know, but that would be my first guess. Tylenol, persistance, and lots of love and patience is the solution.
Even if it is not primarily pain, I would still suggest persistance. I don't think the travelling had any thing to do with it. This is just what babies do sometimes as they get older, smarter, and more complicated.
Please keep comforting her, and I think it will pass. I do not believe in letting them cry. To what end? As you implied, it is not really working. I believe it breaks the trust she has for you. She needs to feel more secure than ever, ESPECIALLY if she is in PAIN! If you had teeth pushing through your gums, wouldn't you want a little comfort? When she is done teething, there is plenty of time to let her work on self soothing.
Also, I think at 7 months she still would need three solid naps, possibly two. As much sleep as possible - even if she is acting like she doesn't WANT to, she still NEEDS to nap a lot.
You may just have to tolerate getting less done in a day, it won't be forever. Would she tolerate a Moby Wrap (or carrier) or still fit in her swing? I think that the best solution is to keep to her normal routine so you don't make things worke, but at least those opeions woudl give you a break occasionally. At the very least, you should know this is typical 7 month old behavior. And it is probably not the first time she will hit a bump in the road in terms of sleeping. Good luck.