Update 12/22:
Don't take L tyrosine unless you need more thyroid hormone (hypo) and under your doctor's supervision.
Taking iodine for hyper is not recommended by all physicians. Dr. Brownstein uses it with good results based on 100 years of usage for both hypo and hyper conditions. But this should be up to you and your doctor. See:
Here are some other sites for research:
Hyper thyroid is associated with bone loss and heart arythmia, and it is interesting to note that magnesium deficiency is attributed to the same thing. There 'might' be a corellation between low magnesium levels and hyper thyroid. It is something to look into and research. Some researchers are claiming mitochondrial damage with hyper thyroid and the need for more in depth treatment than just the thyroid.
Please note that this information provided is only meant as a springboard for your own research, and is not meant to advise treatment or diagnosis.
You can do a lot to help your thyroid function normally.
Fist off, the function of the thyroid is to take your iodine and create thyroid hormone t3 and t4 out of it, that regulates metabolism. So number one is you need to be ingesting a good amount of Iodine. in the USA we ingest a mere 140 mcg a day if were lucky. The Japanese ingest 13,800 mcs a day. 50 MG a day of Idoral , plus 1000 mg a day of L tyrosine will make thyroid hormones.
Chlorine flushes Iodine out of the body. You have to get your chlorine out of your tap water and your shower head. They have filters for the shower. We get a lot of chlorine transdermally. Tap water filters usually take out important minerals like magnesium. You don't want to do that. You can put your tap water in a pitcure and set it out on the counter for 24 hours, the chlorine will dissipate. I have also read vit c drops in water will take out chlorine.
Bromine in baked goods, asthma inhalers, gatorade, Mt Dew, and hot tubs attaches to the iodine receptor and blocks iodine.
Florine does the same. Get the floride out of your toothpaste and tap water.
Stop all SOY intake as it is estrogenic and affects your thyroid.Soy is an edocrine disruptor.
Stop all unsaturated processed fats and oils, like canola, vegetable oil, corn oil, shortening, etc. These wreak HAVOC. replace them with real butter and RAW COCONUT OIL. Eat olives and avacadoes and nuts. Taking raw coconut oil 3 T a day, will increase your metabolism but also it will help you make progesterone, and progesterone is needed to help combat too much estrogen in the body. Coconut oil is a wonderful thing for the thyroid.
Phsophoric acid in sodas block Iodine receptors.
Oatmeal and bananas, seafood, kelp, egg yolk, brewers yeast are all good foods for iodine.
I have read that the best source to test TSH is hair analysis. Gluten free diets are suppose to be a Godsend for thyroid/autoimmune disease.
Many thyroid issues start with adrenal gland issues. Your adrenal Glands should be tested before you are ever placed on thyroid medication!!!!!!
Look up these statements online for more info.
God bless,