regarding the advice to let him cry, how awful would it be that it is his teeth or his muscles from more activity associated at this age which is common, or even the mental activities during an average day, and then just let him cry??? (this is not directed to the poster, just a general statement) when parents make decisions that can affect their baby such as going on a trip with different time zones, we as parents should be a little understanding on our childrens negative reactions and help them deal.
T., there is nothing wrong with giving him water. does he sleep in the crib, hold his own bottle? you may try to start leaving a bottle of water in the crib and try to show him its there when he wakes up, in a few weeks or even now, he will pick it up himself and calm himself. i know a few people who did this.
all in all, a trip like that is completely overwhelming to a baby, and now he is back home, it may be scary for him. he may even start with some separation anxiety at that age. dont forget that this particular age is where everything in terms of physical activities, talking, understanding, ect. basically, this is a huge learning time for him in every way. that in term can be overwhelming and overload him. at this age, its quite common for babies to wake. have you tried a pacifier?
i always said, you just when i think the kids are "figured out", they change it all up on you. good luck