Having your tubes tied is call a tubal ligation. I had this done after my third child. Since I was having a c-section, the doctor did the tubal ligation right after the baby was born. Because of having it done this way, I didn't have anymore pain that is normal with a c-section.
Having a tubal ligation is no guarantee that you will never have to take birth control pills again. In my case, 3 1/2 years after giving birth to my youngest and having the tubal ligation done, I was having some iron issues as well as my cycle going back to being irregular. I was told that I was slightly anemic. So, in an effort to regulate my cycles and get my iron levels back up, I was put back on a birth control pill. I have been taking them for 6 months now.
What has happened to me is not a side effect of having a tubal ligation. My cycles were irregular from the first time and temporarily regulated for a short time after having my first kid. Then, after the third child, they went irregular again.
Hope this helps.