All I know is that I'm going to have to check it out, because at 6.5 years old, my oldest is still not tying her shoes and I have given it every effort.
I just recently taught my 5 1/2 year old daughter to tie her shoes. I taught her in one sitting, in about 10 minutes. She needed a little guidance a few times after that to remember everything exactly, but she is completely tying her shoes on her own now. :)
What method do you use with your kids to tie shoes? Several years ago I learned the "2 second" method from a YouTube video. I loved it & have been tying my shoes that way ever since. I didn't know how it would work with kids, but that's what I taught my daughter & it was easy! I thought it would be confusing but she picked it up quick! As did a friend's 5 & 7 year olds. :)
I think I was originally taught the bunny/tree/hole method when I was little.
(If you are curious about the 2 second method, search YouTube for videos about tying shoes in 2 seconds.)
All I know is that I'm going to have to check it out, because at 6.5 years old, my oldest is still not tying her shoes and I have given it every effort.
My son is 9, and still can't tie shoes. He enjoys tying overhand knots, and can even manage square knots, but has trouble keeping track of left and right. We made a giant shoe shape out of wood and rope for him to practice. He was going to work on it in OT but our insurance stopped covering it. I got some great advice which I haven't tried yet, which is to make the 2 sides of the shoelace strings different colors.
WOW that video on youtube is amazing! Looks confusing, but next time I actually wear shoes with laces, I will give it a try! (Here in Texas we wear flip flops about 8 or 9 months of the year.) My son is 3 and wears velcro.
We tried everything, but I could not teach her.. My husband ties shoes in such a strange fashion only he knows what he is doing..
Our daughter was in kinder when a young classmate taught her during a quiet time. She said he showed her once and she was able to to it all by herself. She had just turned 5.
We are the "make 2 bunny ears, cross them, and one bunny goes in the hole" family.
They still make shoes with velcro, right?? My daughter knows how to tie, but hates doing it. I just buy shoes without laces. No big deal...