It's normal to take up to 6 months to adjust to a major life change like moving, a new sibling, a loss, etc., for adults and children as well. So it may be quite some time yet before things return to "normal." You foresaw having more space as a blessing, all they know is they didn't ask for the change ;)
Meanwhile you keep routines as close as possible to what they were before the move, encourage them to "like" your new home and neighborhood by taking walks, visiting nearby parks, talking to people you meet, etc. Show by your excitement that your new home and neighborhood has things to be excited about. And don't slack on disciplining tantrums, and "fresh mouthed talk," unhappy or not isn't a reason to misbehave, let it go and a pattern will be set that is harder to break. As far as anger encourage your four year old to talk her feelings out, tell her to use her words, ask her "Why are you angry?" so she can begin to sort her feelings out. My daughter was 3.5 and 14 when we moved, she shut down both times but eventually grew to love our new homes. With your two year old make sure she has a lovey to snuggle with to help with self-soothing, I bought "welcome" stuffed animals when we made a move, (even when she was 14), blinds or a shade for darkness, something for white noise like a fan on low, a nightlight, and a predictable bedtime routine. Basically her feeling of security has been breached, she needs to be reassured that you are all together, and that is what matters. Check out some books from the library on moving, the children's librarian can help you locate them, and make them part of your bedtime routine.
And have a party to celebrate your move, something to show them the move was a great thing. A favorite meal, cupcakes and balloons is enough, and if you want a small gift for each daughter. As they see good things will happen in their new home they'll begin to enjoy it and slowly adjust. Hang in there, it could be a rough few months.