What Is The...

Updated on June 29, 2012
K.P. asks from Tacoma, WA
32 answers

Temperature where you are?

I have heard a lot of people are on a Heat and Safety advisory, is this true where you are?

Happy Friyay everyone, and stay safe and hydrated if you can!!

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So What Happened?

You poor ladies! All the 100+ degrees is awful!! Hope you all can stay cool!

I am NOT complaining about our weather! It could be sooo much worse! We could have insane heat like most of you, or our state could be on fire like some of you :( Not to mention I cant deal with the heat very well.

We have all clouds and it's mild right now, and only supposed to get up to 70 today and rain the rest of the weekend. Typical WA weather.

Wherever you are stay safe and cool if you can!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

over 100 with the heat index. the heat is glorious, the humidity is nightmarish.
eep! that reminds me, time to get off MP and put my poor mares in front of their fans!

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answers from New York on

How about 93-95 with 60% humidity here in NJ. I must be the only person who just hates summer. Can't wait for Fall!

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answers from Albany on

5 below zero and 2 feet of snow!

No, wait, that's January in upstate NY not JULY!

97 today. Glad I'm not a roofer!


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answers from Phoenix on

Well, today in Hell, I mean AZ...high of 113...low of...well...100 YUCK!

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answers from San Diego on

73/74 sunny w/ a breeze. yes, I'm gloating, but damn, do I love my home town.

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answers from Dallas on

Today we are not supposed to be around 97-99 and the weekend about 100.

On Monday it was 106. I am in Plano/Allen burb of Dallas (North).

I'll take this anyday over cold, ice, snow, etc. I love my area.

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answers from Dallas on

94 with a high of 99, nice break from the 108 we had earlier this week!

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answers from Portland on

We are overcast with a high of 75 today. Thankfully, relatively cool in comparison.

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answers from St. Louis on

It was 108 yesterday, today it is predicted to hit 105 but then yesterday was predicted to hit 105. :( Tomorrow 105 and then Sunday we get a break, 103. :p

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answers from Los Angeles on

A pretty pleasant 84 degrees in So Cal today. Not so bad!

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answers from Jacksonville on

97 is the projected high today. 100 predicted for tomorrow.

ETA: Oops.. they changed tomorrow's forecast to 102.

btw, we are on the South Georgia coast. Around Jekyll Island.

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answers from Dallas on

It's supposed to hit 99 here today in North Texas. But that's pretty standard for us in June. There seems to always be a heat advisory and air pollution watch from June to August.

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answers from Seattle on

I live in WA (just east of Seattle). Right now there is no sun shining and I believe we are at a balmy (sigh) 57. I think our high for today is supposed to be right around 65...no sun.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Oh, gawd its 103 right now and set to be 111 by lunch time. Yes, definately not safe, blech!

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answers from Washington DC on

Ephie, I'd take the rain!!! It was 95 degrees at 10 am! It's supposed to reach a 100! I'm dying over here. :(

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answers from Seattle on

I feel yah Laura. We're stuck in this cloud bubble too.

Another PNW 'summer' (aka The Warmer Rainy Season).

I'll trade some rain for some sun. Any takers? :-)

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answers from Columbia on

It's 90'F right now, but supposed to get to 108'F.


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answers from Honolulu on

Its 84 degrees here.
And lots of trade winds.

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answers from Austin on

87 degrees here in central Texas, with a high expected of 98.... far better than the 109 we had earlier this week!

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answers from Missoula on

In Western MT, where I live, it is supposed to be about 85 today, and remain in the mid eighties to low nineties for the next week. Pretty normal for this time of year.

Hope those of you in the heat wave stay cool!

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answers from Seattle on

LOL...Just north of you I have my thermostat set to 65 and my heat's blowing.

I know. It really hasn't registered that it's summer, yet. Not till after July 4th do WE get good weather.

60ish raining 50ish raining 65ish sunny 60ish raining 50ish damp and humid

What I like best, though, is when my front yard is sunny, and it's raining in my back yard. For a few hours. It's just not something I've seen a lot of in other places.

I'm still wearing my Underarmor, jeans, zipfront hoodie, wool slippers.

I grew up in the desert. I LIKE 120 degree heat. When it's hot enough that your sweat evaporates before it hits your skin (so you're never sweaty and sticky and icky!!!). I like 105 and the ocean when the break is right where it should be. Skies that aren't white. Sleeping on the porch looking at stars and bugs running headfirst into the netting. The whirr of the airconditioner drowning out the stupid cicadas ALMOST. That first lush of dawn when everything is lit up but still cool, and running before taking a shower. When the asphalt gets soft, and you can write your name with your fingernails. Not wearing kevlar and polyester in it, though. That just sucks. Shudder. Swimsuits and daisy dukes and hammocks. Beer commercial life.

Humidity, though, ticks me off. All y'all in the swamps, have my sincerest condolences and sympathies.

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answers from Los Angeles on

i was thinking of asking this same question yesterday and got busy...

It's 84 degrees at the moment, was 90 earlier.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

106 right now. And you know what - it's the heat NOT the humidity.

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answers from New York on

94 and sunny here in New Jersey, but feels like 99 with the humidity. Pretty freakin' hot... but at least we're still at only 2 digits!

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answers from Eugene on

Highs in the 70's for this next week.
Last week highs/lows were in the 50's/30's.
This feels like summer to me.

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answers from Sarasota on

It's 80 right now with a high of 87. Perfect B. weather pretty much everyday here.

My family lives in Indiana and my sis said it was 106 yesterday. We were laughing because I live in south Florida and it was 20 degrees cooler here!

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answers from Houston on

As my grandma would say, it's hotter than homemade -ell here. :) High is 93°F but we've had some real scorchers the last week.

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answers from Phoenix on

I believe it's 109 here, or something like that. It's normal for this time of year. It's always funny to me when the rest of the country has temps like this & it's all over the news. We deal with it for 3+ months of the year!! It sucks!

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answers from Norfolk on

My car thermometer says it's 102.
Our heat index is between 105 to 109 degrees.
I'm inside in AC now but I still have a heat headache from being out a while ago.
I'm sure there are people at the beach today but the sand can get to be 20 degrees hotter than the air temperature - that makes it burning hot.
I'm sipping a nice ice tea right now!
If we're doing anything outside tomorrow, it's going to be before 10am.

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answers from Detroit on

I'm in Michigan & our high today is going to be 94. It was 102 here yesterday w/the heat index. How about where you are? TGIF have a great weekend!

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answers from Cincinnati on

100 in Ohio yesterday and today.

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answers from Cincinnati on

A little over 100 degrees, and its not even July! We are on a Heat advisory, my three year old is upset that I won't let him play outside till the evening. I think it has rained twice this month for about 10 minutes. The dry weather is awful.

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