Which Sounds Better?

Updated on October 13, 2008
B.H. asks from Glencoe, MN
11 answers

We're still struggling with the name of our second son due in 5 weeks. Our first son is Taten Timothy and our narrowed down choices are Tevin Robert or Thyler Robert. I like Tevin because it's different and Thyler is just a cute name. What do you prefer? Thanks for your opinion!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Would you pronounce Thyler like Tyler? If you pronounce the th, it would sound like a lisp. I like Tevin on its own, but personally, I don't like 2 kids to have names that sound too close (just wait until they are teenagers and you can't tell which kid someone is calling for on the phone!). Taten and Tevin are similar not only in the first vowel sound but also the last syllable.

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answers from Duluth on

Tevin is much better than Thyler. Hidden consonants are terrible things to do to people.


answers from Minneapolis on

Thyler will have issues as no one will quite know how to pronounce his name don't you think?
The "th" will throw people off.
Tevin is nice.
Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

the thyler will throw people off, if it is tyler just spell it tyler...it won't confuse anyone and save your son lots of troubles in life with something as simple as spelling and being asked over and over again



answers from Grand Forks on

I think Tevin and Taten sound cute together as brothers, as they both end in 'N'.



answers from Minneapolis on

i like tevin... i think that is a very cute name!



answers from Milwaukee on

I think I like Tevin. When I read Thyler, I instantly thought of the shortened version which would be "Thy" which sounds like "Thigh"....I just didn't like that as much.

Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I would prefer Tevin. That's just my opinion. Best wishes to you



answers from Minneapolis on

I like Tevin. Thyler (even though you are spelling it differently) is a very popular name right now so I'd go with something a little different. :)


answers from Davenport on

Please don't take offense. Is Thyler pronounced as in "th" in that or as in Tyler? When I read it I assumed it was Tyler just spelled differently. Tevin just sounds like a made up name. I know you love the names but in my humble opinion neither is great. But to each their own and if Thyler is pronounced Tyler then I'd go with Tevin.



answers from Des Moines on

I love Tevin! I also like Talen and Tristan for boy T names. Congratulations on your baby!

Another way to choose is practice saying your boys names together, "I have two sons, Taten and Tevin (or Taten and Thyler or Taten and Tristan :-))."

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