My 4 year old grandson is always telling me or his mom he loves us, he'll be playing ball and have to leave the game to tell us he loves us, Is this showing a sign of...
Hello Mommas:
I have been speaking with a couple who is expecting their first child in May. They would like me to care for their newborn while they both work full t...
Our 4 year old son has started to behave badly with his peers: refusing to share, screaming, crying, hitting, poking, saying "I don't want to be your friend", slammi...
Hi Gang,
I just had my son, Jack 8 weeks ago. Right before I gave birth, i graduated from college with a degree in interior design. I would love to get a job in ...
Can you recommend a good software (disk) I can buy for my preschooler to use on the computer? We have a couple of Clifford ones (a music one and an alphabet one) but ...
I have a 2 year old little boy and people are starting to ask me if we are going to put him in preschool. I didn't go to preschool but all of his cousins are going. W...
I think I've had enough answers, thank you. A few suggestions were helpful, but obvuously it is difficult for people who do not know the children to really give adv...
So i took my daughter to the dentist yesterday for her first check up. and i was shocked to find out that she has 5 or 6 visible cavities, and when he exrays them he ...
How do I get my 4 year old to stop lying?? Well, I guess I should start with-How do I explain him what a lie is and why it is wrong? He lies about everyhtin...
My 4 year old daughter will only eat things she likes - things that aren't super healthy for her unfortunately. She will eat some fruits like strawberries and blueber...