My 16 year old daughter is very smart, but is very unmotivated to complete her school work, therefor seems to be running a C average in almost everything. I speak to ...
Another question resulted in some surprised reactions when yearbooks for elementary school were mentioned.
Our school has elementary yearbooks.
My son loves them!
Hi. I am so down today. I always knew it was "normal" for a 15 year old son not to like his parents, but it hurt me so badly today when he said it out loud. He tol...
What does your teen boy do for entertainment? When it's summer, and there's lots of free time, and he has done his chores, and has done his sport or exercise, and he...
We are considering a move in McKinney, and there are several similar houses to choose from. So the difference maybe the schools. Any opinions on the following element...
I've read/heard in mulitple sources that kids in elementary school still need an average of 10 hours of sleep a night. We aim for a bedtime between 8 and 8:30 to get ...
My almost 17 year old son is extremely smart, has been in Gifted/Talented and PreAP classes the entire time he has been in school, but the past two years have been su...
Need I say more, I have a 16 yr old daughter who I feel is just isolating us. She comes home from school, goes straight into her room & will have nothing to do with u...
We moved to GA from NY two months ago. My 8yr old daughter was in a gifted program in NY, she was in 2nd. grade but was receiving 3rd grade curriculum. When we came h...
No more responses please! Some great ones but too many who can't read my question and are acting like I'm forbidding the book bc I think it's too old. That wasn't th...