Im in the market to purchase a bike trailer for a toddler and 8 month old. I have heard positive things about the Burleys but they are a lot more expensive than other...
Our daughter is almost 2 and we would like to get a bike seat or trailer for her. Can anyone recommend one over the other?
I like the idea of the trailer. But, I a...
I envision myself as a fit/healthy person. The reality is that I'm lucky to be rather "naturally" thin-looking. I am a high energy person and seem to have a good me...
I am planning to buy a bike for myself. I looked on craigslist and realized I have no idea which brand to buy. I know there are bikes at walmart, target etc for les...
A little history of the situation....
I bought a dog back in march 2012 for my son's 4th birthday. At the time I was working a job that was only 10 minutes away (r...
Our son is nearing two and my husband and I are itching to get back on our bikes this summer, which means we are looking into getting a bike trailer. Given the expen...
So, I want to start biking, and I am considering doing a 25 mile Pedal For a Cause.
I have been scoping this bike for awhile, the reviews and price are great, but ...
My husband and I are looking--or rather I am doing the looking--at bike trailers. We prefer a used one since they can be pricey. My 4 yr old is too big for the bike...
Kiddo's sixth birthday is coming up. He's been on a scoot bike for about a year now-- wasn't interested before that point-- and he's really maxed it out. It's way too...
Looking for some feedback about your experience with either buying a jogger or buying a bike seat attachment. I'm trying to decide which would be more useful and als...