Stages & Milestones: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 21-30 from 38 articles

Potty Training Advice

A.M. asks from Portland

Hi There - My husband and I have just started potty training and I have no idea what I'm doing. Normally I do an insane amount of research and then tackle the problem...


Extremely Miserable Baby

T.C. asks from Florence

My son just turned 8 months old and from the time he was born he has been unhappy. I seriously didnt think it was possible for a baby to cry this much. He cries throu...


Baby Is Miserable and So Am I

A.L. asks from Chicago

Ugh. I'm at my wits end. My 12 week old just seems so unhappy pretty much 90% of the time. I don't know what to do anymore. I thought after 12 weeks it was supposed t...


Tummy Time

S.T. asks from New York

My normally wonderful 4 month old son becomes a total monster during "tummy time". He HATES it and now the doctor believes his head is bcoming a little flat and may n...


Baby Shower Gift

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just started a new job a week ago and was invited to a baby shower for my supervisor and his wife's one-year-old they just adopted. I was just wondering if you may...


18 Months Refuces Sitting on the Potty

S.F. asks from New York

She only sits on my lap and on her feeding chair, I tried every type of potties, shaped like chair, cars etc, and to distract her when she is sitting, but no use, she...


Attachment Parenting & (Sudden) Pacifier Use

A.Z. asks from San Francisco

I know not everyone out there practices or supports attachment parenting. But for those who do, I wanted to hear some perspectives on pacifier use. We practice att...


Am I Holding Her Too Much?

N.M. asks from Rochester

shes a week old and most times thats the onjy way to get her to sleep after she feeds. is it going to turn into a thing where ill never be able to set her down or wil...


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...


What to Add/leave off Baby Registry?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Hi - I am wondering what items other Moms have put on their Baby Registry, and what items you would leave off? Obviously, leave off clothes, but is there anything you...