I have a 2 year old toddler. He crys for almost anything. If he bumps into something, if I walk out of the room, or if I go into the bathroom, he crys. Recently, he...
My 3 year old daughter is very bossy and throws the worst tantrums over small things. For instants, if we go somewhere as a family and my husband gets the baby out of...
My 14 month old has a serious personality. She is always busy and will only do what she wants to do. If she doesn't get what she wants she will scream as hard as poss...
My daughter is 3 and a half. Her tantrums seem to be more frequent lately, usually 3 or 4 major melt downs a day and I wonder if there is a mental or emotional prob...
My 4 year old daughter continually says she is scared in several situations. Mostly, she says she doesn't want to go to sleep without me in her bed because she is sc...
My daughter turned 3 in Feb. I know I shouldnt compare my daughter with other children, but I cant help it. I hear other 3 year olds talking and their sentence struct...
Hi. I need advice on disciplining a toddler. We have 2 sons, one turned 3 in May and the other turned one in July. My 3 year old has been jealous since the day we ...
First off, I really don't want to be told by half a dozen moms that I am not disciplining him enough. I am really hoping for some advice that is sensitive and helpful...
We have been inconsistently using reward/chore/sticker charts for our 4 year old. When we use them, he does behave much better so i'd like to really buckle down and ...
Every time I take my 3 year old son out (to the park, animal farm, beach, etc.) he throws a MASSIVE fit when its time to leave. Any suggestions on how to prevent this...