Urine: gDiapers

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20 answers

Looking for Consumer Reviews of gDiapers...are They Effective?

I am considering the use of reusable diapers and have become interested in gDiapers. I would love to hear about some personal experiences with gDiapers before I decide to go with them. Or if anyone else has further recommendations of other brands of cloth diapers, I would appreciate any advice! Thanks in advance!


Where Is My Pee?

So I had stomach flu Tuesday-Wednesday. Starting Wednesday night I was re...


Pee-pee on Clothes

I'm having trouble getting the pee-pee accidents out of the clothes and bed...


Protein in the Urine

I seem to be having a rough time with this pregnancy, even though I feel...

Strong Smell

See all 78 articles
16 answers

Gdiapers, What Do You Think?

Hi! I am a SAHM with a 19 month old boy. I can't quite convince my hubby that we should use cloth diapers, but both of us would like to be more eco friendly. I found these gdiaper, but don't know anybody that uses them and would like to know from someone that has used them what they think. Are they really that easy?


Which Cloth Diaper?

I am on a quest to start using cloth diapers. My daughter is 17 mos. and...


Smelly Diaper Champ

We've used the diaper champ for 17 months now. For the first year or so the...