My son just turned 4 in November and my dad has offered to buy him some type of bike. Is there a good tricycle for his age or should we just get a bike with training...
My daughter is turning two and we were thinking about getting her a balance bike for her birthday. She's very coordinated and loves to be active -- I was wondering i...
My 5-y.o. recently (finally) figured out how to ride his bike without training wheels. After so long not being interested in learning, he's now all about riding his ...
Our dtr is almost 4.5 and she has a skuut and a bike with training wheels. My husband would like to the training wheels off but I'm not sure. How do you teach a child...
Where we live, the only area to ride a bike is our turn around drive way. That said, my 8 year old can't ride his bike without training wheels. He relys on the too m...
I am looking for ways to help encourage my six year old to feel comfortable riding her bike. She is very scared she will fall off. She has gone for rides in the past ...
After two frustrating hours looking for bikes for my son this morning, I realize I'm clueless. Does anyone know anything about BMX bikes vs. any other kind? Are the...
My son will be 3 in February and Grandma wants to get him a bicycle or tricycle for Christmas. I'm not sure which one would be better. I'm leaning towards a bicycle w...
My son will be 3 in July. In May, we are having another little boy. I am taking some of the advice I've seen given here before, and planning to have a gift "from th...