I have a four week old baby, he is using me as his pacifier. I'll feed him and shortly after I unlatch him he'll start to cry. The only way to get him to stop is to ...
Hi! My son is 7 weeks old and seems "frustrated" when nursing. The following happens mostly in the evenings: about 3-5 minutes into a feed he starts to fuss, pulls on...
My baby is now 4 months and he has been doing this for over a month. I went to the Pediatrician, I changed Dr b/c she doesnt seem like she cares much for breastfeedin...
My 8 1/2 month old son cries constantly during the day if I am not holding him. I know babies cry, but this can’t be normal. I feel like I have tried everything. I...
i am expecting a little girl in 5 weeks, and im all new at this, anybody have any information that they can give me, that i should know before she comes?
When I took my daughter to the doctors yesterday I told the doctor that when I pump I only get 2 ounces out. She seemed concerned about her fluid intake but she was s...
Feeling mixed emotions about continuing nursing my 4 month old. She seems to be doing great health wise, but very fussy, eats a lot, and very clingy now. She's my thi...
My poor little baby is having some issues. When he poops, it is every 3-5 days and very large and hard. He cries while he does it and its obveous it hurts him! I call...
I need your help. Of course, my 2.5 year old was the perfect baby so we knew we were going to be in trouble with our new little one. He has acid reflux so he is on ...
My son started solids in very small amounts around 5 months. He's now 6.5 months and regularly has two full meals a day (in addition to breastfeeding of course). In t...