So my mom and I have decided to do the Black Friday shopping thing. I have always been a little scared of the Black Friday crowd!! LOL! There are several places openi...
This is just for fun - how do you approach Black Friday?
Personally, I fall into the "Avoid Like The Plague" category - I would rather shop from the comfort of my ...
Many retailers are opening up and starting black friday sales on Thanksgiving afternoon/evening this year. I'm curious, how many of you will you be out shopping?
Now I have no doubt that you savvy moms have planned out your course and researched some awesome deals, so that's not my question.
You just see/hear the "drama" ...
Hi just checking if anyone else had all their wisdom teeth pulled at once. Just like with pregnancy, when people want to tell you birthing horror stories, I am hearin...
I have not been able to get on the target website in two days. In the past the memory of my items in the cart gets lost after about 20 minutes and i have had to rese...
Am I missing something or are there really deals to be had? While waiting in the Black Friday lines people were eluding to the fact that stores would be offering the...