The other booster seat post made me son is 4 and weighs over 40 lbs. My question is what is the difference between the backless and not backless booster se...
My daughter is almost 4. She weighs 35 lbs and is 40 inches tall. I am hesitant to switch her to a booster yet. Need more advice and expert opinions from experienced ...
I am looking for booster seats for my twins who are 4 years old and about 38 pounds. I like their current carseats but they are now taller than the back of the seat,...
Hey Ladies,
My now 2 1/2 year old son is gigantic. He weights 37.5 pounds and is just about to out grow our his car seat. I am having a difficult time with the ide...
Hi Everyone,
We are in the market for a booster seat for my 5 year old daughter. What do you recommend as far as safety and price? I saw the Britax booster just go...
So, mom's when do you make the transition? I have a 3-year old boy who is 32 lbs and about 38 inches tall. When is it recommended to make the switch to a booster seat...
Hi ladies! I was wondering what booster seats you guys use and love. We are looking for one for our almost 4 year old son. He is getting too tall for his Britax Ma...
Hello! We're nearly ready for a booster (car seat) as our daughter is 3.8 years old, weighs 36 pounds and is 41+ inches tall). We've been satisfied with her Britax ...
I'm sorry to be posting yet another car seat question on here, but I've researched and guess I still don't understand. At what age, weight, height do they switch to ...
Hello moms,
My 3 year-old son has been using the Britax Boulevard car seat since he outgrew his infant carrier. We've been happy with the carseat but he's big (al...