breast changes during pregnancy

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When to Ween During Pregnancy?

P.P. asks from Erie

I am already 7 months pregnant and my son turned 3 2 weeks ago. He has never wanted to ween and I never pushed for it because he does not eat a lot of diary (mainly ...


Acne During Pregnancy

T.C. asks from York

Hello all, i need a little help here. i am currently pregnant with #2 and it seems that ever since i found out, my face has broken out horribly. Right now i'm trying ...


Plastic Surgery (Breast)

R.S. asks from Sacramento

I am scheduled to have a breast reduction, which my insurance is paying. Has anyone been through this process? I have had four children and breast feed all of them ...


Breast Milk vs Formula

K.K. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms! I am not a mom as of yet, but I do often work with babies and children and of course love advice. I just wanted to ask who uses breast milk or formula or ...


Decision to Breast or Bottle Feed

T.R. asks from Denver

Hello, Do you/did you breastfeed or bottle feed? Why did you choose to breast or bottle feed? When did you make your decision on how you were going to feed your...


24 And Might Have Breast Cancer!!

R.C. asks from Dallas

My 24 year old cousin just had a baby 6 days ago. 4 Months ago she felt a lump in her breast that was about the size of a pea and now it is the size of a golf ball. ...


Breast Milk Drying Up

T.S. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 3 month old son that I have breast fed up until about 3 weeks ago. My breast milk starting dwindling and in order to make sure he was full I also started gi...


When Do I Prepare My Breast to Breastfeed?

M.R. asks from Phoenix

i was wondering if theres a way to get my nipples ready for breast feeding im scared that it will be to painful and i wont do it. i heard about like washing with a ro...


Sleeping Through the Night and Diaper Changes

E.H. asks from San Francisco

My 12 week old daughter suddenly went from sleeping from 8/9 pm to 12 am and every 2 hours thereafter religeously to sleeping from 8 pm to 6 am a couple of weeks ago....


Breast Implants & Mammograms

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

My post breastfeeding breasts are depressing; uneven, sagging, and do not fit into any bra because they are different cup sizes. Putting on a bra is extremely frustr...

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