My 5-y.o. recently (finally) figured out how to ride his bike without training wheels. After so long not being interested in learning, he's now all about riding his ...
My son is turning 21 soon. I would like to give him something memorable. I am willing to spend as much as $500. I'm purposely not telling you much about him because I...
Hi all. I wanted to know if anyone had any gift ideas for my sons kindergarten teacher. I have been volunteering all year in her class and wanted to say thanks for a ...
Hi everyone! My husband is finally graduating from college this December and I don't know what to get him. He doesn't really need anything but I would like to mark th...
My sister in law is graduating from her university with a nursing degree (i think RN but not positive). My in laws are throwing her a party for her accomplishments a...
We are not doing much for christmas, I was just wondering if any other families are scaling down.
We are trying to teach the real meaning of christmas and being than...
I'm looking for ideas on what a 17 year old girl might like for Christmas. She will be going off to college next fall, so I thought maybe something to take to her do...
We are invited to my cousin's high school graduation party next week and my uncle recently (within the last 2 years) remarried and his wife has a son who also graduat...
Hi all,
We are on a tight budget. But we have several occasions of friends, that usually would warrant a "gift."
And of course there is Father's Day coming up too....
I remember being in school and having "end of year" recognitions (like for math, science, etc). When my son was in school it was the same way (he graduated in 2009)....