My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
I need a product recommendation, my daughter is hating the infant car seat, and we are looking to get her a rear/forward facing car seat. She is 10 months old. I have...
My son is almost 10 months old and we need to buy a new car seat for him soon. He is very skinny (he's in then 20th percentile for weight) but very long (in t...
I have a 9 month old and are shopping for a convertible car seat. If you have a Britax, what kind do you have? Do you have the Marathon, Advocate, Roundabout, or Bo...
im seeking any opinions/thoughts on these car seats.
Recaro SIGNO Convertable Child Seat,
Recaro Vivo™ Lite Booster Seat,
Britax Convertable Car Seat.
which wou...
Hi Everyone:) My daughter will be 8 months in 3 days...ok time goes incredibly fast!! Well, she is over 20lbs and I am confused about what we need to do about her c...
I am wondering if any of you can recommend a car that has a roomy backseat for a pretty large convertible carseat. We bought this carseat that is supposed to be good ...
I just found out that we are expecting our second child I already have a 3yr old. My question is this I think with our expznding family we will need a different car. ...
The lease on my Ford Explorer will be up soon and I am interested hearing other peoples suggestions for a new car. While I have liked the Explorer it has always felt...