This is an odd question. My 3.5 yo son is not circumcised. We chose not to have it done when he was born (though his dad is) b/c we didn't see a good reason for it....
My son is due 30Jan07' with the help of pitosin. I will in fact be induced because i am a high-risk paitient. My question is that: my OBGYN Dr. Chris Taylor (Some of ...
Are there any of you out there who did not have your son's circumcised when they were born, but decided to do it later? I would really like to hear of your experienc...
I am having a boy in March(first time mom and very single)and I'm wanting to get him circumcised. any pointers? need to know if the benefits of having it done are w...
I am very confused about getting my son circumcised. It has been a big dilema for me since his dad is not active in his live. I did not do it when he was born because...
My three and a half week old son is going to be circumcised next week and I was wondering what other mom's have done to help with the pain?! The dr. is using the Plas...