My 10 month old baby was chewing on a baby wipe and pulled her only teeth (two bottom ones) forward at about a 45 degree angle. (this could only happen when baby is s...
My 20 months old Toddler fell off and landed on a toy, one of her front tooth is 65% chipped off. there is no sharp edge but you can see the pulp inside. I don't thin...
Hi, need some advice from someone who has worked for a dentist, is a dentist, or has had crowns put it recentlly!!! I have four crowns on my top four front teeth.. I...
My 26 month old son just chipped the corner off his top right front tooth. We have an appointment to take him to a pediatric dentist for an X-ray tomorrow. Has anyo...
I am looking to switch Health Insurance. I currently have Anthem Blue Cross, but I am not happy with them since they took over. They completely changed my plan withou...
Are there any moms out there who's had to bring their toddler to the dentist to get some work done ( on cavaties to be specific)? If so, what or how was it done at th...
So... my son needs to have some fillings put in. I can't believe it. We were good about brushing but not flossing and all the cavaties are small but between his teeth...
I asked this question last week, but for some reason, I cannot access the question on this site, so I am asking again.
Anyone NOT get their child's wisdom teeth remo...
Does anyone know of a natural way to whiten teeth? I've heard that the bleaching process at the dentist can weaken the teeth and make them more susceptible to caviti...
Hi everyone, I wanted to let everyone know about the horrible dentist eperience I had to day. My 9 yr old neice had a silver cap that was falling off her tooth and k...