I'm ready to switch my 10 month old from the infant seat to the convertible car seat, but I need a seat for my 4 year old. She is 39inches, 33lbs. Any good recommen...
how do you wash your britax car seat cover? I got a marathon from a friend and want to wash the cover. any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
so, i know and follow car seat expirations to the best of my ability. i just found out one that ive been using as a spare is expired. thats fine. i will dispose of it...
Hi moms,
I got a car seat '07 but now its about 6 years old manufactured in '03 and we are expecting our second child in Feb.'10 I was wondering if we can use that ...
I was recently involved in a low speed, low damage "fender bender". My air bags did not go off and there were no injuries. I was speaking to a friend about the accid...
My husband and I are looking to purchase a convertible car seat for our son, who is 19.5 lbs, 7 months old. We have heard Britax is the best and we don't mind spendi...
I looks like we are going to have to purchase a new car seat for our daughter. She is currently in a convertible that works from 20 to 40 pounds. Unfortunately the ...
I am planning to get a Britax carseat for my 11 month old son as he is growing out of his infant seat. I am trying to decide between the Marathon and the Roundabout....