My grandson is 8 weeks old and has terrible gas. If it weren't for this problem he'd be such a happy baby. What has anyone had sucess with? Mylanta baby? He also ...
I have a toddler and due in October with my 2nd child. I have a Toyota Camry which I love and purchased because of all the research stating it was a great 'Mommy Car'...
My husband and I play with our son a lot. And usually when he gets grumpy either he is tired or hungry or sometimes has gas. We give him gas drops for gas that we can...
Any advice that really works is welcomed for baby with colic and gas...5 weeks old..I was told ceral in the her milk would cut acid, anyone know about this?
I have a 4 month old and he seems to fuss everytime we put him in the car seat and almost the entire time we are in the car. Any suggestions as to how to work this out?
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
We have been having major money troubles, to the point where we literally have no food in our house. i dont have one single can of vegetables to offer my kids right n...
I have a 4 week old daughter that has been diagnosed with acid reflux. We are doing the zantac and gas drops. The problem is she is still miserable. She cries consta...
I have a 3 week old daughter who according to the doctor has colic. She has a very distended abdomin, cries endlessly especially at night, passes gas and poop ALL day...
I want to know what you ladies spend weekly or monthly on groceries. My husband gives me $500 every 2 weeks for groceries and gas for the car. I always go over budget...