Trying to save a buck or two.....not long ago I seen a post that someone had put about saving and then someone else recommended shopping online at this one website wh...
My daughter has molluscum contagiosum and our regular doctor has seen her 2 times for it. Both times she has said to just let it go and it will go away on its own. Fr...
My feet are killing me.. I did some reading online and I think what I have is plantars faciitis..Has anyone out there had this condition and what did you do to help i...
32 weeks and just had an ultrasound. Dr said my amniotic fluid was low! Does anyone have any information on this one? Very nervous with what I have read online.
Does anyone have any experience in having their infant do any modeling? I checked out some places online but they are questionnable and expensive. If so, please send ...
I am really interested in learning homeopathy. What school did you attend and for how long? I just want all the info I can get because it's hard to know where to go o...
Is Webkinz bad for kids? My eldest daughter is 5 1/2. She was hanging out with an 8 year old cousin and learned about She has one webkinz that she take...
Hello everyone. I found out this past Tuesday that I have placenta previa. It was a shocker but my doctor told me they would monitor me and it might go away. I am jus...