pregnancy belly shape

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New Body Shape After Babies

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Just curious...Anyone else weigh about the same and look decent but cannot fit into your old clothes after having babies? Drives me nuts!


Exercise in Pregnancy

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi all: I have a question for all of you active moms out there. Currently, I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant. This is my second pregnancy and most of the morning sick...


Getting Back into Shape...

B.D. asks from Chicago

My son is now 7 months old and although I have lost a great amount of the baby weight I would love to take care of these newly found rolls and this baby tummy! I am ...


Belly After Baby

V.D. asks from Washington DC

I had three babies in under 3 years.... and just wondering now it's been almost two years since my last baby. Did any mommies get their tummy any where close to wha...


How to Lose Baby Belly Fat After 1 Yr :(

A.S. asks from Reading

so its been 1 yr since my c section. i was 105lbs pre pregnancy 180 at delivery and now im 115 to 120lbs. BUT i still look pregnant i cant wear my tighter shirts an...


How Do I Lose the Belly Flab After Having Two C - Sections

S.E. asks from Madison

i had two c - sections about 14 1/2 months apart. before i had got pregnant with my oldest i was 102lbs and i went up to 153lbs. i have been able to lose weight but i...


Fitness During Pregnancy

G.G. asks from Minneapolis

Is it possible to get in better shape during pregnancy? Please, do not read anything into the question....I'm NOT asking if it's ok to lose weight or diet......I jus...


Want to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

T.D. asks from Dallas

Okay ladies. I know we have all tried just about every diet known to man in order to lose the baby pooch. My daughter is almost 5 and I still look pregnant. How ca...


7 Week Post Partum Belly??!!

A.M. asks from Houston

HI, I had a csection 7 weeks ago (2nd csection) and my belly still looks about 4-5 months pregnant. Is that normal?! I am nursing and have seen my doctor for my 6 we...


Back to Normal Weight but Not Loosing the Baby Belly

S.W. asks from Chicago

My baby is 5 months old, and I'm close to getting back to my normal weight (4 lbs to go) thanks to breastfeeding and an active 2 year old! However, my belly doesn't s...

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  • listen to your body in 4 answers "... survive the last 5 miles....). So use the first ability -- listen to your body ..."
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