queen size bed

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Results 81-90 from 820 articles

When Do You Make Your Children Sleep in Their Own Bed?

L.T. asks from Dallas

I have two girls. One just turned 2 and the other will be 4 in a couple of months. They are both still sleeping in the same bed with me. Me and my husband don't ev...


Transition from Family Bed to Crib

C.K. asks from Missoula

Hi Ladies - My 7 month old daughter is breast-fed with some solids foods. She been co-sleeping with me at night to facilitate nursing, and has never really made frie...


Transitioning from Crib to Bed

A.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, I have a daughter who will be two very soon. We have another baby (boy!) due in July. So, before the baby comes, we'd like to transition our toddler out o...


Twin or Full Bed?

L.S. asks from San Diego

Did you buy your child a twin or a full bed for first bed? I hear some people say they buy a twin and that's what they stay in until they are off to college or move ...


Transitioning to Double Bed

N.L. asks from Boston

We're starting to think about transitioning my two-year-old daughter to a big girl bed. Right now, there's a double bed in her room that we use as a guest bed. We've ...


Do All Toddlers Move This Much in Bed?

J.R. asks from Cedar Rapids

Our crib was recalled so we decided to take the leap and buy a nice used toddler bed. The recall involved the drop side of the crib, so we converted it to a toddler b...


Transitioning to Toddler Bed

T.B. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms My husband and I are wanting to transition our 19 month old son to a toddler bed. We know he is still relatively early to be going to a toddler bed, but we...


Full or Twin Bed

S.R. asks from Sacramento

My son is 23 months old and I think he will be ready for a big boy bed soon. He hasn't climbed out yet and shows no interest in doing so. I just can't decided on a...


Is It Too Early for a Big Boy Bed?

K.Z. asks from Harrisburg

I've talked about this with my mom and other parents that are older than me (their kids are all 15 and older). My son will be two next month, and he's never shown any...


Big Girl Bed

C.D. asks from Houston

i know its too soon now, but my daughter is almost 10 months- she walks- more like runs and i was just wondering when i should convert her crib into the toddler bed?

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