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I Can't Do What the Doctor Is Asking...

S.M. asks from Indianapolis

I posted a question regarding this earlier, but never really recieved much advice. My daughter is a little over 6 months old. The doctor told me to start feeding he...


Jaw Doctor?

I.L. asks from Bakersfield

what kind of doctor specializes in dealing with issues with the jaw? About a year ago my husband started having numbness on the side of his face. Frigtened initially...


What Do I Ask the Doctor?

C.D. asks from Columbia

I am going to visit my "female" doctor this week. I'm kind of young for menopause, but I am having something going on that sure seems like hot flashes. It has even be...


When Should I Call the Doctor?

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 month old son is sick. It came on suddenly today, and we aren't quite sure who gave it to him (We have it narrowed down to 2 toddlers he has recently been around...


Which Doctor Do I Call for This?

N.G. asks from Dallas

I'm almost 5 weeks pregnant, and my back is so severely hurting that I cannot stand upright. It's the right side of my lower back. It feels to be a nerve, because n...


Newborn Questions

A.S. asks from Dallas

I am a new mom, and my son is a week old today. I have questions and need advice from you moms out there. 1. My son will nap anywhere but will only sleep in our be...


Immunization Questions

M.M. asks from Providence

With all the debate about immunizations out there, I was wondering if anyone had made an informed decision one way or another. My husband's chiropractor has presente...


What's with All the JFF Questions???

M.L. asks from Kansas City

Is anyone else getting sick of seeing so many JFF questions lately? I'm not trying to be a downer, it just seems like every other question is JFF and it's somewhat a...


Pediatrician Questions

A.Y. asks from Salt Lake City

Well, we are pregnant with our second child that is coming in just 4 weeks. We needed to switch pediatricians when I got pregnant due to insurance changes. We LOVED...


Ceserean Questions

Y.L. asks from Washington DC

Just a couple of questions and concerns to all the parents who have been threw this numbers of times. Is it normal to have puffiness years later after a c section bef...

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